The Regular

Charlie - Sam Landman

Teddy - Claire Chenoweth

Wes - Lukas Ramsey

The Stranger - Jay Melchior

Written and Directed by
Josh Carson


Stage Manager - Clara Costello

Fight Choreographer - Annie Enneking

Props and Set - Brad Erickson

Sound Design - Aisha Ragheb

Show Logo - Chris Garborg


Liz Neerlund and Nimbus Theater

Brian McTier, Grif Sadow and Stillwater High School Theater Department

Erica Gilbert and The Staff of
The Bryant-Lake Bowl
(None of this is about you guys. Well, okay - some of it is)

Leslie Vincent

Kathy Kupiecki

Sean McArdle

Laura Hetzel

The Twin Cities Horror Festival

The 10:35 Cheers reruns on
KARE 11 that served as my bedtime stories

Thank you for supporting live theater and the Twin Cities Horror Festival

Festival Schedule